In 11th Juny 2009, Laura and me will go to the concert of EL Canto del Loco in Barcelona.
We will catch the bus at 12 o'clock. The concert is at ten o'clock and at this time we will write to the t-shirt - Ww Love ECDL.
In 2006 I went to the concerts in Marcelona, La Bisbal and the Sabadell. It is increable to be in a concert of the El Canto del Loco, the music, the people, energy...
I have the CD: first this name is El canto del loco, the second A contracoriente, Zapatillas and Personas.Personas is an special cd, it taks abaut people's life, love, and hate.
We are very fans og the group El canto del loco.My favorite person of the group is Dani, he is the compositor with his cousin David.

The canto del loco is the best group for me and I like stil the this music pop-rock.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009


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