Advantage or disadvantage of mobilephones

Mobilephones are modern technology. It is totally necessary for people mowadays.
More and more young children have a mobilephone and telephones are changing very fast.
Nowadays there phones have more functions as for example internet, GPS, camara, diary, etc.

In my opinion mobilephones are a good invention but they have their advantages and disadvantages.
Firstly it's a compact object whith many functions witch are very useful. If you have an emergency, you can telephone someone.
Secondly you can speack to another person who is very far away of if you are not near a telephone box ar your home.
However there are some disadvantages as for example if you don't have any cash. you can't phone. Another disadvantage is you always have to recharge the yattery. Mobilephones are also radioactive and they are very negative for people's health. Mobilephone create adiction when people don't know when to shop using it. When you usually use your mobilephone it is very expensive.
In conclusion,we need to use a mobilephone in this modern society providing that we use it correcty and we don't make an abuse of it.

viernes, 8 de enero de 2010


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